Sunday, December 23, 2007
It's been a long time. Why don't you have a slice of pie. Here is a little something special that I made my sister. She loves odd things. She has been home for a few weeks and she wears it everyday. I have been quite busy. I started a Etsy page, but have yet to put anything on it. Knitting has also become a challenge to me, I think that I am finally getting the hang of it. My current W.I.P is a scarf in the purl stitch (the only stitch that I know at the moment). I'm also getting prepared (& nervous) for a Crochet Workshop that I shall be teaching in the beginning of February. If anyone has any tips to help me with me class, please let me know.
Wanna a bite?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Okay, so I think that by now it is obvious that I am addicted to crochet, hence my yarn obssesions. Anyway, now I am addicted to youtube. No the two do not necessarily mesh together. So, imagine my amazment when found some spanish yarn commercials.
Guys, let me know which one you like the most... I think it was very cute.
I got it to work, Thanks Debb
Monday, August 27, 2007
Look at the treat that I had waiting on me when I got home. I'm only mad that I am getting to it so late, because I can't start on anything. Sorry for the bad pic, still using my camera phone. I so high tech, ya'll.
This is a book by Beth Doherty of "Gourmet Amigurumi", containing all original amigurumi patterns by Doherty. Now, I read a couple things last year that amigurumi means "a stuff toy, stitched (crocheted or knited) in a round". In her book Beth gives a detailed break down of the meaning of amigurumi. Here it is as she puts it in her intro--(not word for word)
"Amigurumi-pronounced ah-mee-guh-ROO-mee, Ami is short for the word Amimie meaning "stitch" in Japanese. Gurumi is a hyphenation of the Japanese word Nuigurumi, meaning "stuffed doll or toy". Anyway, if I have to pick a favorite(s), it somewhere between Strawbeary, Beat Nik Kitty (Hep Cat), and Fawn. Enough with the book report , just go out and pick up a copy of this book.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Well, summer is almost over. What a relief it will be for alot of us. Here in Atlanta, Georgia it has been record highs like, from the month of June through August. I can not wait cool breezy days, because these days were the temperature reachs the early one hundred degrees is ridiculous and played out. Anyway here is your last summer time BBQ fix guys.

I got this pattern from She always has great original patterns to share. Stop by and check her out.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's been awhile. A lot of things have been going on. Anyway,here is what I'd look like if i were a simpson's character. I haven't seen the movie, my little sister simpsonized me. She loves "The Simpsons", can we all say fanatic. She totally got me down packed, I'm always somewhere, arms folded with a smirk on my face (the librarian's stare, that's what she calls that look). Well there is not really anything going on in my life right now, so that's all folks.
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Want a piece of cake...
Actually it's a cupcake purse. It is the cutest thing. I just got the pattern in the mail yesterday in the mail. I bought it at Etsy from the store. She has bunches of really cute patterns and items for sell. Well worth a try, ya'll. I started on it this making this purse this morning and finished it a few hours ago. It worked up extremely fast and the pattern was so easy to follow. The purse was going to be for my cousin's four year daughter, but I'm going to keep it. I'll make her a brighter pink one. She is very girlie and I'm sure she will love it. My 19 year old sister is already trying to get her hands on this small one, unless I promise to make her a bigger one. I also notice that I have taken to crocheting lots of different foods. What'up with that?
Saturday, March 03, 2007
!!! National Crochet Month !!!
Crochet Anyone!!!
Did anyone else know that among other things, March is officially National Crochet Month. Or do I totally sound like a spazz. Anyway, I was asked by my job to do a display of some of my work for the month of March. Well, here it is. It's a small display , but tell me what you guys think. It's amazing the big boom that crocheting and knitting has had in the past two years. My 19 year old sister still calls me a grandma half the time, but in the same breath, "Ooooh, make me that". Since I have put the display up at the library where I work, there has been a great deal of interest. One mom came and told me about her daughters eighth birthday party entitled, "Isn't it great, I'm eight let's Cro-cheight!" Wasn't that really cute.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Sweets Anyone !!!
(Lets keep it short & sweet....Smoochies)
Long time no Blog (I know corny). Oh well, I have really missed blogging, but my current job keeps me so busy. I really don't have that much time to crochet. So here is my latest projects minus a bunch of baby blankets. Alot of my friends and family members or having babys. Around five or six. Anyway, I am doing a display in March for National Crochet Month at before mentioned job and these are the first addtions to my display items. Off I go I hear some I can hear the faint call of crocheting bidding me to join in some fun.